Sarah Kremer
I have been practicing as a naturopath since 2011, first in France and now in Tel Aviv. My experience over the years has enabled me to treat my patients successfully in Naturopathy, in particular through a complete health check-up using the Physioscan, a magnetic resonance device, and treatments, programs and assessments: nutritional assessment, detox, nutritional balance program, program for the remission of symptoms of autoimmune diseases, emotional coaching...
Naturopath Heilpratiker course with CERS TA has Geneva, for 3 years
Physioscan magnetic resonance course
Naturopath course with IFSH for 2 years
Course in reflexology with IFSH
I have several years of experience as a naturopath and have specialized in health check-ups, nutrition, nutritional balance program and the remission of symptoms of autoimmune diseases. I have obtained positive results after treating patients for the following pathologies:
chronic fatigue, stress
hypertension and arteriosclerosis
Obesity and anorexia
type 2 diabetes
Thyroid disorders
Disorders of the intestinal flora
the Depression
circulatory problems
eczema, yeast infections
muscle and joint pain
acidity problems
and many other pathologies

Health Checkup
The Physioscan makes it possible to carry out a rapid assessment and very precise of the energetic level of the various systems which determine the balance of the individual, the level of stress or lack of energy of the organs and cells of the body.
In a few minutes, you will have precise information on your state of health which will allow you to know the causes of your discomfort. The analysis of the state of health by magnetic resonance using the Physioscan makes it possible to evaluate the energy state of the organs of the body: liver, heart, lungs, cells, brain, muscles, systems...
By an assessment simple and fast of the level of stress or lack of energy of the organs and cells of the body, the Physioscan allows in just a few minutes to obtain precise information on the state of all the systems of the human body: endocrine, nervous, bone , digestive, lymphatic...
A diet with good nutritional quality provides a good state of health. The nutritional assessment is similar to a survey to analyze your diet, to identify any errors to avoid, your specific needs according to your age, gender, blood group and activities, food deficiencies and excesses, food intolerances and allergies. Each disease requires a specific nutritional program that accompanies the healing process and more specifically autoimmune diseases that require ailmentation that reduces intestinal inflammation, allergic reaction and antibody production.
Nutritional balance program
Detox Cure
Nutritional support for people who suffer from chronic inflammation of the intestine
Nutritional support for people with an autoimmune disease
Regeneration of the microbiota
Rebalancing food deficiencies and surpluses

Nutritional balance program
The individualized nutritional balance program according to your tastes and your nutritional needs for people who have obesity or anorexia problems, allows you to solve those problems without feeling hungry.
The individualized nutritional balance program takes place gently with continuous monitoring by the therapist by email or Watsapp and ends with a consultation to evaluate progress obtained .
The program includes a training in nutrition and hygiene food so that you can later to manage of way autonomous your diet..